Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Korea 20230827 - 20230902

 20230827 - 20230902 Asia, Korea 

8D 韩国 雪岳山 圣诞村

8D Korea with Mt Sorak & Santa Village

韩籍 张君涛先生 是 一位 令人 非常 赞叹 的 导游,实属难得。
温文尔雅 处处周到。给我们 科普 了 近乎 完整 的 韩国 历史。

24 乘 旅游 新巴 也舒服。

首尔 物价 与 新加坡 相近 无甚差距。

山外山     人外人   莫与高楼较高低

失之交臂!此行 暂无缘 探访 落成于 2016年12月的摩天大楼乐天世界大厦(Lotte World Tower),回来后看照片才发现,原来两夜首尔住宿就住在此处附近。

位于南韩首都首尔市乐天世界乐园附近,其建筑高555米、共123层,不仅是南韩第一、世界第五高的大楼,更成为首尔天际线的崭新地标。除了大型商场、酒店和办公楼层,乐天世界大厦还提供出售服务式住宅,成为专为上流精英阶层打造的顶级房产。 乐天世界大厦的透明地板观景臺观景台,是世界第三高的观景台。乐天世界大厦的1~6楼为大型商场,7~37楼和108~114楼为办公区(后者仅供出售),76~101楼为Signiel酒店,120~123楼则为公共观光区,只有40~71楼是可供出售的酒店式公寓Signiel Residences(由Signiel酒店管理)。

下一趟 若有 机缘,定然将访。

十年树木 百年树人

处处是 cctv。便利店 过 8.30 pm 便 启动 无人服务 经营模式。  自己 用 信用卡 刷卡 开门 进去,自己挑选产品之后 自己信用卡结账。 在 韩国,效率也高,逮着小偷小抢,便 立刻马上 上 电视 公告,羞呀!此招够损,但也凑效,劣习几乎绝迹。据导游叙述, 韩国偷窃非常少。 这两点 倒是 可取 之处。  我们家 在 这方面 还 蛮 落后。  今时今日 还有人 打枪 便利店。杀一儆百 也 无伤大雅。 建国 50 年, 教育制度 也许 该 是 时候 修一修了, 省得 还 费时费钱 过三审后 还 在 牢里 白养 惯犯。老刑部也该退休了。


公共食阁 里头 也非常干净。 
用完餐后,各自把桌子 抹干净 归还 餐具。

街道干净,非常少 看见 垃圾桶。
手上 捏张 纸张 东张西望 走了 老半天 路,到最后 还是 塞进包里 回 饭店再 丢。
打小 的 国民教育,都 把自己的垃圾 带回家。
忘了问导游,是否随手乱扔垃圾烟头 被  cctv 逮到 也 上上 电视?

公厕也干净,至今所用的 马桶盖 都有 自动喷水洒洗 功能,还有遥控式。 
在老家 若安上 这个, 估计 没 三天 便 被 按坏 玩完了。
搞这个东西之前,国民脑袋 得 先 upgrade 一下。


烧烤 烧烤 还是 烧烤。
韩国饮食 无非 韩国烧烤店多为 总是 kim chi 高丽菜 


排了日程,下一趟,便在雪山里头住上 2 - 3 星期 练习 滑雪,



Assemble at Singapore Changi Airport and begin your holiday with a pleasant

flight to Seoul.

20230827 Sunday 晴
SG 6.30 am Korea 7.30 am 

2 hours ride:

韩国西部海边,较浅, 对岸是中国。东海岸深, 对岸向日本。


北韩,十二万平方公里,两千五百万人口。陆路连接 中国 东北。

高速 公路 收费站



- Lunch: Ddakgalbi / Dinner: Seafood Hot Pot

Upon arrival, meet and greet with our local representative. First, proceed to a famous place. The Garden of Morning Calm, the design focused on curves,

spaces and asymmetrical balance, and Korea’s unique beauty to express classic elegance and fabulousness.

Then, take the Gangchon Rail Bike (4 passengers per bike), which has a beautiful river view. Next, hands-on Makguksu (Soba Noodle) at Chuncheon

Makguksu Museum was built with the theme of buckwheat noodles (makguksu), Chuncheon’s local dish.

朝鲜 8 大道

川原道 。。。


北纬 38 线

北朝鲜  ( 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国  )  与 南韩  ( 大韩民国  ) 自1945年以来的军事分界线。
南北韩非军事区”  -  1953年《朝鲜停战协定》签署后双方沿军事分界线划设的非军事区
三八线 (电视剧)”  -  关于地理上的一条纬线,“北纬三八线”。

“   愿世间 战事决绝    一切魁首 熄尽烟硝

 嘻看云出日落 雨甘露 洒尽田间     允世间 赛得仓满粮溢 使无饥贫 童叟安乐   ”

春川 浪火车 Romance Train

20230828 Monday

爱迪生 博物馆

2/3  of. 170,000 ++  collection 

2 nights stay in this skiing resort hotel


- Hotel Breakfast, Dinner – Abalone Ginseng Chicken Soup

After breakfast, proceed to the breathtaking Mount Sorak National Park, the beauty of which is accentuated by granite peaks, lush green valleys, and dense forests.

Then, enter Hyuhyuam Temple and feed the fish (including one pack of fish food per two people).

Many fish can also be seen in the shallow seawater near the temple.

Continue to visit Anmok Coffee Street.

The coffee street in Gangneung is very famous all over Korea.

It is the cradle of Korean coffee culture.

(One famous Toufu ice cream per person is complimentary).

Stroll along Gangneung Anmok Beach, which is known to have one of the most beautiful coffee streets in Korea.

Next, proceed to the Charmsori Gramophone & Edison Science Museum.

There is a docent tour, so you can explore the history of recorded sound at the world’s third-largest collection of Edison memorabilia.


Seasonal Inclusion (1-7 April):
Gangneong Gyeongpodae Lake Cherry Blossom Viewing.

20230829 Tuesday breakfast and morning walk

We had 2 morning breakfasts at the restaurant "The Chalets" in Mono Park.


Hotel Breakfast

Lunch: Mushroom Hot Pot

Dinner: Stir-fried Calamary with Pork

The Mt. Balwangsan Cable Car Tour, which stretches over Asia’s longest course of 7.4km, offers a breathtaking view of Balwangsan Mountain.

The view of YongPyong Resort at the summit of the mountain is also filled with magnificence you will not find anywhere else in the world.

The experience will be one to remember.


Next, proceed to the Waterpark. It is a hot spring resort consisting of a wave pool, flow pool, jacuzzi pool, aqua spray, lazy pool, etc.


Please bring swimwear and a swim cap for the Waterpark.


Note: In case of weather or maintenance, the Alpaca Farm with Feeding Grass will replace cable car rides.


cable car up the skiing skywalk.  



7 am Hotel Breakfast 
8 am set off

Lunch: Bulgogi

Dinner: Hot Stone Plate Pork Meatloaf

After that, proceed to the Jeongseon Arirang Traditional Market.

This market sells everything traditional, including handicrafts, traditional medicines, and food with an unrivaled taste.

阿里郎市场 买两双靴子。 
55,000 韩元
50,000 韩元


Continue to Miin Waterfall in Samcheok, the only waterfall in Korea with emerald-colored waterfalls flowing on the crimson cliffs.

Next, enjoy around 50 minutes on the V-train (or Valley Train) ride to enjoy the beautiful canyon view in Korea.

A train ride on this scenic route will take you past beautiful alpine landscapes and geographic formations such as overhangs, valleys, and cliff faces.

The train track is under repair and maintenance due to a landslide after the rainy season in July.
This "train ride" program was replaced by quite an enjoyable "soap-making class"

Thereafter, visit the Santa Village - in Buncheon station.

The whole village, including the station, is decorated with Christmas ornaments and other things one can only enjoy during the Christmas season.

too bad, it's not the season.

Next, go to the Mancheonha Sky Walk, which is 80-90 meters above sea level on a cliff above the Namhangang River.
A panoramic view of Danyang and Sobaeksan Mountain can be seen from the observatory.

Too bad!  Sky Walk is closed without info, likely due to bad weather. 
It has been continuously rainning for 3 days

Next, visit the eight scenic spots in Danyang, of which the most beautiful and famous are the Dodamsambong Peaks, which are three rocks standing in the center of the S-shaped Namhan River.


20230830 What a rainy day wetting the whole day.


7:30 am Hotel Breakfast

Dinner: Korean BBQ Buffet

A day of endless fun awaits at “The Land of Festival” – Everland Theme Park

(Unlimited Rides Passport Ticket included), the world’s 7th most visited theme park.

Experience its wide array of suspended rides like the Hurricane, Corkscrew, Double Loops, and the Amazon Express.

A safari of animals such as bears, lions, and tigers gives visitors a chance to get close to the endangered species.

One more thing you can see is a lot of flowers, depending on the season.

Next, proceed to Dongdaemun Market.

It is an incredible shopping paradise where traditional open-air markets stand alongside modern shopping malls with fashionable clothing and accessories selling at inexpensive prices.

20230901 DAY 7 SEOUL

- Hotel Breakfast

Lunch: Michelin restaurant satisfy Pork Knuckle Set

After breakfast, proceed to Cheongwadae, also known as the Blue House, the Korean presidential residence.

Since the newly elected president no longer lives there, the government decided to open it for people to see for the first time in 74 years.

This might be your only chance to visit and tour the presidential residence.

En route, stop at the Korean Taekuk Ginseng Gallery and Korean Cosmetics Showroom, where Korean-manufactured beauty products are available at affordable prices.

Next, proceed to the Donuimun Museum Village, an outdoor village that consists of hanok (traditional Korean homes) and buildings that showcase historical eras of Seoul architecture.
Continue on to Myeongdong, one of Seoul’s main shopping and tourism districts.


Hotel Breakfast

After breakfast, proceed to the Healthy Liver Showroom, The main ingredient of Huganbao, Hovenia dulcis fruit stalk extract powder HD-1, Premium, was selected from the Hovenia dulcis tree by the research of Dr. Luo Tianxiu for 10 years, using high and low molecular separation methods, which is very effective for the liver functional effect. 

Enjoy the trendy shopping area at Hongdae Shopping Street. 

Last-minute shopping at the Korean Local Produce Convenience Store sells locally produced items like ginseng sweets, kimchi, seaweed, honey citron tea, instant ramen, souvenirs, and so on.

You will be transferred to the airport for the flight back to Singapore.

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Korea 20230827 - 20230902

 20230827 - 20230902 Asia, Korea  8D 韩国 雪岳山 圣诞村 8D Korea with Mt Sorak & Santa Village 感恩。 韩籍 张君涛先生 是 一位 令人 非常 赞叹 的 导游,实属难得。 温文尔雅 处处周到。给...